4 Tips from A Chiropractor for Cold and Flu Season

Cooler weather, pumpkin patches, apple cider, breathtaking scenery with the changing leaves, fall is finally here! While we love the changing of the seasons here in Appleton at Reform Chiropractic, we know this means coughs, fevers, and stuffy noses are soon to follow. It is incredible that our bodies come equipped with the tools necessary to fight off these illnesses. Our immune systems are always working to protect us without our awareness. Sometimes certain conditions don’t allow for our immune system to function as best as it could. Today we are going to go through some habits that you can start adopting today to strengthen your immune system.

Get in some form of daily movement. Of course, we are starting off with movement as our first piece of advice. At Reform Chiropractic we preach the importance of moving your body. The list of benefits of physical exercise is never-ending as physical activity is proven to improve function of all systems of your body, including your immune system. Find an activity that you enjoy and can commit to rather it be running, dancing, taking a long walk, playing pickle ball, hot yoga, or a mix of It all. Regular chiropractic care can help to keep your joints functioning well so that you can be mobile. Having a routine of getting some form of movement in each day set a great foundation for the each of the tips to follow.

Eat Right. Eating a balance diet with fruits, veggies, protein, and whole grains is a way to make sure you a fueling your body with the proper nutrients from optimal immune function. While you can still indulge occasionally, try avoiding foods high in saturated fats and added sugars. When you eat a balanced diet, you feel better and have more energy to get in that daily movement we just talked about (wink, wink).

Wash your hands. We all know the best way to stop the spread of infection is to wash your hands regularly and thoroughly.  Think of all the handles, doorknobs, buttons, and other surfaces you touch throughout the day that pathogens like to live on. To limit chances of catching a bug, it is important to avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth throughout the day. Take the extra couple minutes to make a trip to the sink before you sit down for your next meal, when you get home from a long day at school or work, and of course, after you use the restroom.

Take time to rest and recharge. At some time or another we feel the stress of all our commitments and obligations. Don’t forget that to follow through with those commitments, you must be healthy and well. Stress plays a huge role in the functioning of our immune system. If you have ever been on a college campus around finals week you will see so many students who are unwell – they have been neglecting sleep to study, they haven’t had time to make a meal that fuels their body right and now they are fighting a little bug while trying to be successful in class. I’m sure this story sounds a bit familiar to you as well. When we say get good rest, of course we mean getting adequate sleep at night, but that also means taking time for yourself. This can be a challenging thing to do in our busy worlds. Take a break from the hard work and the busyness to enjoy a hobby and de-stress. If you say you don’t have a hobby, then it is time to find one. Consider trying something new or finally commit to learning that one thing you have always wanted to.

Poor nutrition and sleep habits, avoiding exercise, and the buildup of stress create the perfect opportunity for a sickness to invade. The good news, you have control over all these factors. While we may not live in a sterile environment and you may not have complete immunity, developing the habits mentioned above is the best way to strengthen your immune system and give it the best shot it has at warding off sickness. At Reform Chiropractic we will work with you on forming and maintaining healthy habits while facilitating optimal function of your nervous system. We are committed to keeping you moving well so that you can feel well and be well.  


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